Investing in Early Care & Education to Thrive


The early care and education field is in crisis; families struggle to find reliable child care and educators face poor compensation for demanding work. Join us to explore approaches to improve educator retention, job satisfaction, and the quality of child care available to all families. Our panelists will discuss a tool to support professional development, engaging educators in leadership, equitable educator compensation findings from DC's Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund - and bringing changes to scale. Together, let’s foster a more equitable and effective early care system!

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  1. Supportive professional development and distributed leadership empowers educators to shape their classroom and better outcomes for children.
  2. Fair wages for educators recognizes their vital work and ensures they can remain in the field, providing consistent, quality care for children.
  3. Advocates, researchers, government partners, and philanthropists can collaborate to drive systemic improvements in early care and education.



Ann Li, Researcher, Mathematica

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