Rural Renaissance: Building Tech Talent Outside City Limits


As demand for tech skills surges, place-based opportunity gaps persist, leaving rural communities at a disadvantage and vast amounts of potential untapped. Join us for a conversation with experts from philanthropy, policy, and education to learn about the need to tackle urban-rural disparities in modern workforce development and bring relevant tech skills to all learners. From tech-driven credentialing solutions to targeted teaching initiatives, find out how different stakeholders are introducing innovative approaches to fuel inclusive, diverse talent pipelines for the 21st-century workforce.

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  1. Discover innovative local and state-level approaches aimed at bridging the tech skills gap for rural communities.
  2. Examine the role of philanthropy, policy, and K-12 education in addressing workforce disparities and opportunities for collaboration.
  3. Identify the competencies schools should prioritize to prepare young people for success in today’s job market, whether in agriculture or finance.



Marisa Morgan, Events and Programming Manager, Data Science 4 Everyone

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