Legacy!Black Students and Positive Socialization in Schools


This workshop examines the implementation of a program that was designed to support the recruitment and retention of Black students into a local university. It explores efforts to create belongingness and academic success through mentorship, research, and community service during a summer bridge program. The author and founder of the program uses a narrative approach to also explore why “legacy” is critical to the development of positive socialization and racial identity for Black students and families across K-20 contexts. Participants will discuss ways to support Black families in schools.

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  1. Workshop participants will review data sets on Black student achievement and reflect upon supports for Black students in their educational contexts.
  2. Workshop participants will engage in several hands-on strategies that were applied to support the identity development of Black students.
  3. Participants will receive a list of possible ways to advocate for change and be encouraged to advocate for needed change in their respective contexts.



Shartriya Collier, Professor of Teacher Education and Founder, Nevada State University & Founder of Maximal Development Education

Meta Information:

  • Tags: social justice, storytelling
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Equity & Justice
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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