Learner-Centered Ecosystems: Dive into this Growing Movement


The movement for learner-centered ecosystems is on! In NYC, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Ojai, California, Dallas and way beyond, communities and leaders are coming together to design public education systems to center learners and communities. Realizing new possibilities from community partnerships, they are connecting young people to a vibrant, interwoven world of learning experiences that live everywhere, and fully support youth in bringing their learning journeys to life. Learn about the vision-setting, support and planning underway to activate and scale this possibility.

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  1. Participants will learn about efforts nationwide to redesign public education into equitable, learner-centered ecosystems
  2. They will understand how this approach delivers on specific demands, needs, and opportunities for broader needs for society, economy and communities
  3. They will leave with specific action frameworks and tools to explore learner-centered ecosystem design in their communities



Emily Bader, Chief Communications Officer, Education Reimagined

Meta Information:

  • Tags: community impact, design thinking
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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