Gratitude is the Answer!
The world can be overwhelming. Life is difficult.
We all face problems and challenges in our personal & professional lives, and while there isn't a universal solution, we ALL possess the power of gratitude. After 8 years of implementing gratitude into school curriculum and businesses across the US, I've proven that a few min. of mindfulness each day will strengthen our ability to face any challenge. In this session, I'll guide you through how to implement a successful gratitude practice, like I have with the over 25,000 students and global audience who engages with Grateful Peoples each day.
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This additional video highlights the teachers and students , and how gratitude is transforming behavior and mindset at the schools I am blessed to work with!
- Solutions to the world's biggest problems, as well as our own personal issues, may be much simpler than we realize. A lens of gratitude is the answer.
- We all arrive to a place of gratitude differently. For me, it was watching my mother's health deteriorate. Gratitude provides the resilience we need.
- By the end of this session, you'll come away with the confidence to create positive change using the power of gratitude in your work & personal life.
- Teddy Droseros, CEO, Grateful Peoples Inc
Teddy Droseros, Founder, CEO, Grateful Peoples Inc
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