SXSW 2025
The New Science (& Art) of going Viral
Compelling! New! THE FUTURE! BUT WAIT!!!! For the first time ever, there is finally scientific clarity about how to make things go viral.There are rules, formulas, and scripts that you can use to create breakout content. Understanding how the game is played can help you create a winning combination with the luck of the draw. Turns out science is knowing and understanding the essence of art. Even mixing science and art viral content is still like catching lightning in a bottle. Once you're caught then what? Come to talk and we’ll help you distill and distribute .
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Other Resources / Information
Victoria press-
Ethan Speaking and Media Links:
- The formula for generating content with the highest chance of going viral.
- What the new science shows us about how things go viral: Psychology and probability.
- The formula of the creative: 3 painful creative signs you are on the sustainable success
- Aicila Wyles, Business Cartographer, BiCurean
- Victoria Carrington Chávez, Creative Community Catalyst, Lilac and Aspen
- Ethan Decker, Founder & President, Applied Brand Science
Aicila Wyles, Business Cartographer, Bicurean
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