Leading School Systems with Evidence & Innovation


To keep pace with rapidly-changing technology and accelerate student learning, school systems must embrace evidence-driven solutions tailored to unique community needs. With most education funding sourced at the state and local levels, enhancing the systems, talent, and resources capable of fueling state and local research and innovation is crucial. This session brings together school district leadership and education champions to explore the real-world practice of evidence-based decision-making to make continuous improvements, promote innovation, and move the needle on student outcomes.

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  1. Understand why building education research and development capacity at state and local levels is critical for responding to community needs.
  2. Hear from school system leaders about how they have used data and evidence to drive decisions making a positive impact on students.
  3. Leave with concrete policy recommendations for building state and local capacity for education research and development.



Tasha Hensley, Policy Director, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: implementation, edtech
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Leadership for Tomorrow
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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