SXSW 2025

How To Startup: 20 Essential Lessons in Music Tech


Launching a music startup is like peeling an onion: the many layers go on forever, and it makes most people want to cry for no reason. In this fast masterclass, founders get insights on the wide range of skills required to succeed. We’ll cover ideation, product-market fit, money, investment, music licensing, and more.

Dmitri has captured the best lessons from the top startup experts in music tech via his How to Startup series on the Music Tectonics podcast. Sun, an investment banker and advisor, knows what it takes for startups to get investment or get acquired.

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  1. Identify smart investment and why to stay away from dumb money. Avoid $ pitfalls caused by music’s total addressable market and heavy cap tables.
  2. Understand the key business basics needed to build a thriving company and which opportunities are distractions too many founders fall for.
  3. Clear the specific hurdles music tech startups face, like complex music licensing, partnerships, effective business models, and gaining traction.



Dmitri Vietze, Chief Executive Officer, Rock Paper Scissors

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Music & Tech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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