Inspiring Action: A Guidebook to Family-School Engagement


In this hands-on workshop, learn about family-school engagement research by The Brookings Institution. Then, hear how the "Parents as Allies" cohort of parents and teachers from 29 school districts across western PA turned this research into action through a human-centered design thinking process using tools like deep listening exercises, empathy interviews and "hack" design. This resulted in the implementation of hundreds of innovative family-school engagement strategies. Throughout, hear the perspective from a school administrator on the deep impact this work has had on schools and families.

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  1. Learn from the lead researcher on family-school engagement at The Brookings Institution, including data on the purpose of school and relational trust.
  2. Experiment in-person and leave with human-centered design tools for family-school engagement that you can use in your community.
  3. Explore 100+ family-school engagement strategies from newly launched "Parents as Allies: A Guidebook for Bridging the Ocean Between Home and School."



Yu-Ling Cheng, Parents as Allies Director & Kidsburgh Ambassador, Kidsburgh

Meta Information:

  • Tags: design thinking, parent engagement
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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