Navigating Digital Solutions for Student Mental Health


Since 2020, 70% of public schools report increased student mental health needs, exacerbated by limited resources and service providers. The K-12 Mental Health Tech Navigator is a free, web-based guide to help schools and districts choose and use effective digital tools for student well-being that augment in-person supports. This session, led by experts in youth mental health, education, and technology, will bring the guide to life, sharing insights, best practices, and real world insights that support informed, safer choices for your school or district.

Related Media


  1. Navigating Student Needs & Selecting Digital Solutions: Learn to assess student mental health needs & choose digital tools that align with your goals
  2. Funding & Implementing Mental Health Tech: Discover funding sources & gain practical steps for integrating digital mental health solutions effectively
  3. Gaining Insights from Case Studies & Addressing Common Needs: Learn from best practices, challenges & outcomes from school & district implementations



Shani Drake Duncan, Sr. Director of Marketing & Communications, The Jed Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Tags: digital wellbeing, mental health
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & Wellbeing
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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