SXSW 2025

Punk at Scale: Amplifying Authenticity


The tension between growth & authenticity, unexpectedness & accessibility, profits & social impact are central themes in today’s success stories. While it involves hard work and constant dialogue, it’s key to staying alive. For Meow Wolf, it’s especially important since the “product” is art & experience. For Liquid Death, it’s integrating heavy metal & environmental responsibility into water. For Scott Goodstein, it’s using punk ethos in grassroots activism in high profile campaigns around the world. As younger audiences seek ethics and stimulation, punk is power.

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  1. Embrace the tension. Growth and authenticity don't have to be mutually exclusive.
  2. Balancing unexpectedness with accessibility opens new avenues for impact and connection when reaching new audiences.
  3. Integrating social impact with business goals not only sustains but amplifies relevance and resonance in evolving markets.



kati murphy, VP PR & Communications, Meow Wolf

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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