SXSW 2025

Most AI Startups Are Doomed


Most AI startups are doomed. This isn’t because of the recent Goldman report or other doubts about AI’s potential. It’s the nature of tech booms to have busts. The fact that it’s coming is uninteresting. What’s really interesting is what comes after. After all, Google and Amazon came out of the Dotcom bust to completely reshape our world, quietly—and then not-so-quietly. We are bringing together top AI scientists, investors, and experts to talk about what AI actually is, what startups just might survive, and more importantly, what comes after the fall.

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  1. What can AI really do and what’s just hype—especially within the “real world” like in mobility, healthcare, and the broader of the physical world?
  2. What AI startups are poised to survive when this current boom of capital becomes bust? Which ones are the most prone to fall?
  3. What comes after the fall? What applications of AI will survive and render our world unrecognizable to people a decade from now?



James Wang, General Partner, Creative Ventures

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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