Implementing Game-Based Learning in the classroom using AI
This workshop will provide educators with practical tools and strategies to integrate game-based learning into their classrooms. Participants will learn how to design engaging and interactive learning games using AI and no-code tools, enhancing student engagement. The workshop will cover the fundamentals of game-based learning, the use of tools beyond LLMs, and step-by-step guidance on creating, prototyping, and launching their own educational games. This hands-on approach aims to equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment.
Other Resources / Information
A successful online workshop we have done:
Some examples of Virtual Escape Games:
- Understanding Game-Based Learning: Participants will grasp the core principles of game-based learning and how it can be used to improve outcomes
- Utilizing AI and Design Tools: Educators will learn to use AI and no-code design tools to create reusable game assets quickly and efficiently.
- Creating and Launching Games: Attendees will gain hands-on experience in prototyping, playtesting, and launching their own educational games
Hugo Diaz, Founder, TeamLogiQ
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