Whose Voice? Our Voice! Youth Participatory Action Research


The Whose Voice? Our Voice! session is a hands-on YPAR session for youth to explore becoming researchers and policy makers working to solve issues that affect them. Using an arts-based Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) methodology, participants will discuss, draw, and imagine a better world together. The session culminates with a "flash" policy roundtable where the youth researchers share their proposed initiatives.

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  1. Youth learn key elements of Arts Based Youth Participatory Action Research methodologies such as game design, survey, interview/focus group design.
  2. Youth work in small groups to identify systemic issues of social justice that affect them in school, from detentions to suspensions to lack of funding
  3. Youth experience being leaders, engaging in civic participation for social justice, aimed at making lasting change at the personal and policy levels.



Martin Urbach, Founder & Director of Artivist Education, Circle Keepers

Meta Information:

  • Tags: school safety, student voice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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