“Math Wars”: Relevance vs. Rigor?


Debates around the future of math education are re-surfacing concerns about the perceived trade-off between academic rigor and equitable opportunity. Are emerging pathways, like data science, revitalizing interest in math and broadening access to future careers? And how do these pathways stack up against the challenges and complexity of traditional math coursework? Join this conversation with leaders in math, data science, and computer science for an examination of the different views on the evolving landscape of math learning and what math should mean for student success in the modern era.

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  1. Explore differing perspectives on how to expand math learning opportunities and define the core competencies required for post-secondary success.
  2. Examine the impact of math pathways on engagement, equitable access to learning, and career prospects in STEM-related fields.
  3. Consider nuanced views on what constitutes rigorous coursework and strategies to make math instruction both challenging and relevant for learners.



Marisa Morgan, Events and Programming Manager, Data Science 4 Everyone

Meta Information:

  • Tags: data, diversity & inclusion
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Conversation
  • Track: Equity & Justice
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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