SXSW 2025
Transformative Mentorship: Advancing Economic Opportunity
Economic connectedness is a form of social capital that boosts a young person’s potential for economic mobility. Establishing this connectedness early can lead to higher income in adulthood. Mentoring is the transformational tool that gives youth access to resources, networks, and opportunities needed to create those connections. It can lead to a 20% increase in upward mobility in their lifetime. This presentation covers data and case studies on the effects of mentorship on society, perceptions around mentorship, and public-private partnerships that support economic growth.
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Other Resources / Information
- Mentorship as a Transformative Tool: Learn about mentorship’s connection to economic opportunity for individuals, workplaces, and communities.
- Collaboration Strategies: Understand the successes and lessons learned from existing strategic mentoring collaborations.
- Positive Systems Change: Learn strategies and tactics to positively disrupt societal systems through mentorship.
- Ginneh Baugh, Chief Impact Officer, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Jackie Aguirre, Senior Manager, Executive Communications & Engagement, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
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