THRIVE: A Disruptive Approach to Supporting Novice Teachers


The challenging conditions that new teachers encounter often undermine their efforts toward effective practice. THRIVE takes an innovative approach to new teacher induction and mentoring--disrupting the persistent systemic and structural barriers in schools to more effectively support new teachers and improve their retention. The outcomes are better supported teachers and more successful schools. Join UT Austin’s College of Education Dean in a panel discussion with new teachers, mentors, and school leaders to learn about their experience and THRIVE’s impact on their teaching.

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  1. Improved understanding of the conditions of schools that impact teacher retention and effectiveness.
  2. Insight into current education research outlining best practices in mentorship of new teachers.
  3. Strategies to enhance existing mentoring and induction practices at the district, campus, and classroom level.



LeAnne Hernandez, Director, Texas Education THRIVE, University of Texas College of Education

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