SXSW 2025
AI and Power Concentration: Building Tech to Empower Us All
Advanced AI is rapidly concentrating extraordinary power in the hands of a few companies and individuals through job replacement, media control, and mass surveillance. This could be extraordinarily damaging to our society, economy, and individual agency. This session will bring together Big Tech whistleblowers, AI experts, and civil society leaders to lay out the ways in which AI is supercharging the concentration of power, what this means for us as individuals and communities, and how we can ensure that AI is used to empower everyone, not just enrich the few.
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- If rapid advanced AI development continues, it will continue to concentrate extraordinary power in the hands of a few companies and individuals.
- This path is not inevitable: there are concrete steps we can take to prevent this supercharged concentration of power.
- New rules, tools, and institutions can combat power concentration, so we can harness the power of AI to empower everyone, not just enrich the few.
- Lawrence Lessig, Professor, Harvard Law School
- Daniel Kokotajlo, Whistleblower, N/A
- Emilia Javorsky, Director, Futures Program, Future of Life Institute
- Brad Stone, Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek
Micki Duncan, Senior Director, Bryson Gillette
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