Trilingual is the New Bilingual (for Gen Alpha)


Research continues to show that learning a language before the age of 6 can be impactful to one’s development in both the short and long terms. Hear from education experts on why being multilingual is so beneficial, including a deep dive into the advantages of language immersion programs. Starting as early as the day a child is born, these programs foster critical thinking, creativity, and cognitive flexibility – skills crucial to this generation’s success. Panelists will explore setting up different language immersion curriculum tailored to Gen Alpha and the approaches to take you there.

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  1. Attendees will learn how and why young children rapidly absorb new information, especially languages, and how to ensure Gen Alpha is future-ready.
  2. Attendees will understand the benefits of early language immersion and how effective implementation fosters well-rounded cognitive development.
  3. Explore KSS’ immersive approach using the 'one-parent/one-language' theory to build cognitive flexibility and metalinguistic awareness in students.



Jessica Curley, Account Executive, Finn Partners

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