Bridging the Lab-to-Classroom Gap with Inclusive R&D


How can education research and development bridge the gap between the lab and the classroom? By being inclusive of education practitioners every step of the way. Too often, even when R&D priorities and the field’s needs are aligned, a lack of ongoing and authentic engagement in the R&D process creates a “last mile” gap that limits the impact of high-quality R&D. Promising practices and tools do not consistently make their way into classrooms to benefit students. In this session, hear from inclusive R&D experts and learn policy solutions for creating an R&D ecosystem that truly works for kids.

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  1. Understand the gap between education R&D and the classroom, why it exists, and how to close it.
  2. Learn about the importance of engaging educators to ensure that new education tools and approaches live up to their promise in the classroom.
  3. Hear about policy solutions that can make R&D more inclusive of practitioners, leading to better outcomes for students.



Tasha Hensley, Policy Director, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Policy & Advocacy
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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