EdgeUcate Labs: How Students Become Award-Winning Creators


In the heart of New York City, New York Edge (NYE) cultivates innovation and creativity during after-school hours. In this session, we will explore the transformative impact of extended learning through a K-12 after-school talent development framework. We will highlight four NYE signature programs—Music Production Academy, Book Publishing Project, Animation Studios, and the Formative Podcast—to showcase our program model, impact, outcomes, and strategic partnerships. Join us to gain insights and inspire creativity. Together, let's unlock the potential in every student.

Related Media


  1. Extended Learning Design Tips: Practical tips for designing hands-on, impactful programming that fosters student creativity and skill development.
  2. Strategies for Collaboration: Effective methods for identifying and engaging with top industry professionals to enhance after-school programs.
  3. Fostering Student Creativity: Learn strategies to create learning environments that encourage and nurture student creativity, voice, and choice.



Stephanie Costner, Chief Education & Innovation Officer, New York Edge

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