SXSW 2025

I Used To Be Emo, but now, I’m An Adult…how sad!


Exploring emotional health and modern adulthood through “music’s most misunderstood genre.” Everyone needs community. As we get older, the sense of community and belonging once felt can often dwindle as a generation moves more into adulthood. Meanwhile, the challenges of life don't stop, nor do the deep emotions that we experience from them. In this workshop, life coach, Ben Bailie (Emokid) Johnson, offers 4 key insights and his unique take on how "Emo Music" might just be the missing link between emotional success and emotional breakdown. Sub-Topics: Community, Belonging, Impact, Legacy.

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View speaking testimonials here:


  1. Improved community
  2. improved confidence; emotionally and mentally
  3. increased motivation and morale



Benjamin Johnson, Speaker & Coach, University Of Emo

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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