Confidence Regained: A Mother's Fight for Equity in K-12


As a mother to two Black sons who navigated K-12, I saw firsthand how prejudice and unequal treatment eroded their confidence—systemic racism still thrives in our schools. As Black, Latino, and low-income students face pivotal transitions to higher grades, the persistent “troublemaker” myth unjustly undermines Black and Brown boys, hurting their academic performance, self-esteem, and future opportunities. Join us as we draw from personal experience, historical context, and current research to cultivate solutions that foster equitable, supportive classrooms that affirm every student's humanity.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information

Discipline Disparities for Students of Color:
Chronic Disparity: Evidence of Racial Inequalities:
Racial Inequality in Public School Discipline for Black Students in the US: ​​
Honors Programs & Race:


  1. Address racial bias in K-12 through data-driven interventions to eliminate the disproportionate impact of disciplinary actions against BIPOC students.
  2. Reassess student tracking and placement criteria to ensure equitable access to advanced courses and combat structural racism in learning opportunities
  3. Provide educators restorative practices and cultural competence training to create more inclusive learning environments and overcome systemic barriers



Illyasha Peete, CEO & Founder, Catalyze and Cultivate Consulting

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