Responsible AI &Tech Justice for K-12 Education


This panel will allow participants to take a deep dive into the newly released Kapor Foundation Responsible AI and Tech Justice Guide for K12 Education. Participants will learn about issues related to algorithmic bias, ethical AI, data privacy, and mitigating the harms of technologies on individuals and communities. Participants will receive suggestions and have time to discuss collectively how to scaffold, be mindful of our current polarizing climate, and introduce these topics into any content area class in middle and high school as well as discuss AI policy for K12 schools.

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  1. General understanding of AI and other technologies in K12 education as well as AI policy in K12 education.
  2. Understanding of algorithmic bias, harms, and injustices that are exacerbated by AI and other technologies and their impacts in K12 education.
  3. Interrogation questions help create critical consumers and ethical producers of AI and technology within a K12 learning space.



Shana White, Director, CS Equity Inititatives, Kapor Foundation

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