SXSW 2025

The Futurist Toolkit: Building a Business Strategy for 2050


Business success requires a futurist mindset - everyone is a futurist now. Emerging technologies enable collaborations and business models previously unattainable. New capabilities are changing how we strategize and prepare our digital legacy. Join emerging tech strategist and sci-fi author Kate Baucherel, AI creator John du Pre Gauntt, and speculative designer and digital afterlife expert Gavin Vaughan to explore how to navigate rapid technological change at multiple levels. Discover the keys to survival that can help you seize opportunities and prepare for a very different world of 2050.

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  1. By 2050 not all of your co-workers will be human. Build a futurist mindset to deal with a new way of working and collaborate to solve real problems.
  2. Filter out the noise of a rapidly-changing world to identify transformational innovations and learn how the past gives us signposts to our future.
  3. Necessity is the mother of invention. Small businesses and teams have the agility and mindset to grab future opportunities in the face of disaster.



Kate Baucherel, Author, Speaker, Consultant, Galia Digital

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: 2050
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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