Youth-Adult Partnership for Inclusive Decision Making


Participants explore power, decision making, and systems change through an interactive simulation. Speakers then lead a debrief that invites participants to examine how the simulation outcome was impacted by the inclusion/exclusion of different groups in the decision-making process, drawing parallels to our real-world systems. A short presentation will build on the takeaways from the simulation and examine the concept of youth voice, why youth voice is important for equitable dialogue/decision-making, and resources to amplify youth voice. The workshop concludes with breakout group discussion.

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  1. Examine the contexts and systems in which you live and work and how you can move toward more equitable inclusion of young people in spaces of power.
  2. Leave with an increased understanding of the importance of youth voice and youth-adult partnership.
  3. Learn effective youth-adult partnership strategies and tools for how to amplify youth participation in discourse and decision-making.



Alicia Cagle, Youth Programming Manager, World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh

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