SXSW 2025
Stories Of/By/For The Field Of Play
In 2024, I've been conducting an exploratory qualitative study on the international field of play. Through questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and community participation, I've been exploring the current state of the field around play. The concept of play is rather broad and diverse; from social studies, to heath and enjoyment, to education and learning, to games and technology, and more. As such, this is less a focus on a discipline, and more an exploration of play around the world.
Other Resources / Information
- Patterns, commonalities, and differences across various regions amongst the education, industry, professional, foundation, and government groups.
- Stories of/by/for this wide field of play in the global relationships amongst the various groups involved in play.
- How playful ecosystems develop, evolve, survive, and thrive worldwide to help discern future opportunities and innovations.
- Drew Davidson, Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Play Story Press
Drew Davidson, Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Play Story Press
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