The Burnout Precipice: Mental Health Training & Activism


How do educators support the resilience of students in the healthcare professions, when there is a lack of systemic support for promoting this resilience? Many healthcare fields are female-dominated and underrepresented in practitioners of color, with a training environment that is female driven (while not necessarily female led) and disproportionately experiencing inequities within multiple systems. This conversation will explore how educators can change the culture that leads to burnout of students in the health professions at both the individual and systemic levels.

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  1. Understand why graduate students in healthcare professions are among the most at risk for burnout.
  2. Identify factors that contribute to burnout, as well as resilience, among those individuals training to be healthcare professionals.
  3. Identify strategies and ideas for combating burnout and promoting resilience in our future healthcare providers.



Jane Gray, Director of Clinical Training, The University of Texas at Austin

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