Finding & Supporting Diverse Student Talent


Extraordinary students exist in all communities, but far too many lack access to resources and opportunities to reach their potential. How can we be more inclusive in identifying talent? How can wraparound supports and peer-to-peer community building give a boost? Join this panel to discuss how educators, administrators, and community-based organizations can partner with outside nonprofits to ensure their most advanced students have the resources they need to thrive.

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  1. Talented students come from all communities and backgrounds, but it takes a diverse toolkit to identify and develop their talents
  2. Advanced students need academic content, extracurricular opportunities, and a community of peers well beyond what they can get in the classroom
  3. Partnerships between schools/districts and outside nonprofits can help meet these students’ needs without straining schools’ limited resources



Ilana Walder-Biesanz, Founder & CEO, National Math Stars

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