Vibe Check-The Art of Checking In


In this session we will be filming a live episode of the Vibe Check podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping people check in and foster emotional awareness. This session will be a discussion between the hosts and the audience around how to support the emotional health of students, and make space for their emotional well being with regular check ins and decompression exercises. The hosts bring their backgrounds in teaching artistry and mental health facilitation to the discussion offering educators ways to support their students emotionally in the ways they've been able to in their practice.

Related Media


  1. How to handle your students' emotional book bag with care.
  2. Decompression exercises to take back to the classroom.
  3. Ways to model emotional regulation for yourself and your students.



Treble NLS, Lead Teaching Artist/Arts Coordinator, 1Hood Media

Meta Information:

  • Tags: mental health, wellness
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Podcast
  • Track: Health & Wellbeing
  • Session Focus Area Convergence
  • Level: Field Experience

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