Compassion: Burnout Prevention for Leaders & Educators


Learn essential self-compassion and self-care practices to prevent burnout and enhance well-being in your vital roles. Discover actionable strategies for sustaining fulfilling careers and nurturing a resilient educational community. Don’t miss this opportunity to prioritize your well-being while empowering your students and staff. #EducatorWellness #BurnoutPrevention #CompassionateLeadership

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  1. 1. Learn practical self-compassion techniques: Discover tangible ways to practice self-compassion amidst the challenges of the education sector. Deve
  2. Implement effective self-care strategies: Explore actionable self-care practices to prevent burnout and foster sustainable careers in education.
  3. Cultivate compassionate leadership. Enhance impact on students and staff. Develop empathetic communication for a thriving learning environment



Laura Jackb, Speaker, Author, Coach, The Compassion Code Academy

Meta Information:

  • Tags: mental health, sustainability
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Health & Wellbeing
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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