How Will 2024 Elections Impact Education & Workforce Policy?


From the rising cost of higher education and growing student loan debt to improving links between K-12 and the workforce to increasing access to quality jobs, and conversations around equity and inclusion in the classroom and workplace, recent elections have thrust education and workforce policy into the spotlight as top issues. This session will bring together a bipartisan panel of policy experts to discuss the 2024 election and candidates’ policy proposals regarding education and workforce including the potential impacts the election might have on students, educators, and families.

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  1. Develop a deeper understanding of the key education and workforce issues at play in the 2024 election.
  2. Develop a deeper understanding of candidates’ policy proposals and the impact potential results might have on students, educators, and families.
  3. Develop a deeper understanding of policy issues that impact equity and inclusion in the classroom and work, good jobs and beyond.



Karishma Merchant, Associate Vice President, Policy & Advocacy, Jobs for the Future

Meta Information:

  • Tags: administration, affordability
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Policy & Civic Engagement
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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