The Next Gen of Workforce Innovation: Voices of Young Adults


Young adults, including those who face barriers in the labor market and those who are out of school and work, are advocates, leaders, subject matter experts, and untapped talent in education and employment innovation. As we continue to ensure equity and advancement for all, we must recognize this population of young adults as our next generation of leaders. This session will give attendees the opportunity to hear the personal and professional journeys of young leaders who overcame barriers to launch their own successful paths and lead the way for others to do the same.

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  1. Highlight how can we attract and engage with young adults (16-24) to lead our work forward with the mindset of “Nothing for us, without us.”
  2. Lift up young adult voice in the future of work specific to technology, AI, policy, green energy, and workplace culture.
  3. Showcase the power, creativity, and potential of the next generation of workforce talent.



Marie Davis, Associate Vice President, Jobs for the Future

Meta Information:

  • Tags: career, storytelling
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Leadership for Tomorrow
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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