Unprecedented: Tackling Education Issues Through Litigation


American education systems are at a tumultuous crossroads. K-12 math & reading scores have backslid, and the pandemic exacerbated long standing equity gaps. Meanwhile, rising costs and risky marketing schemes are eroding the promise of a college education. The challenges facing K-12 and higher ed are poles apart, but precedent-setting litigation might be our secret weapon in the fight for educational equity from kindergarten through college. Panelists will discuss the ways that litigation can unlock stalled K-12 innovation while protecting students from innovation run amok in higher education.

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  1. Learn about the unique systemic challenges facing K-12 and higher education where litigation has had, and can have, a positive impact
  2. Understand the power of precedent and case law in driving broader systemic change in education systems
  3. Spark insightful conversations among thought leaders & influencers about education litigation’s role in driving change for students at every level



Saba Bireda, Co-Founder, Brown's Promise

Meta Information:

  • Tags: administration, social justice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Policy & Civic Engagement
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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