Brown at 70: Can Separate Ever Be Equal?


2024 marks the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board, yet schools remain as segregated as the 1960s, and we’re far from delivering on the promise of equal educational opportunity for all. Where do we go from here? Should we be re-igniting efforts to end school segregation? Or investing more in primarily Black & minority-serving schools providing supportive experiences that affirm racial identity? Do we have to choose, or can we do both? Can separate ever be equal? Panelists will weigh strategies to disrupt the age-old American pattern of concentrating students of color in under-resourced schools.

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  1. Believe school desegregation was, and can continue to be, an effective racial justice reform.
  2. Learn about excellent all-Black schools that are affirming, well-designed, and rooted in communities.
  3. Both of these strategies should guide education equity advocacy and policy making efforts.



Ary Amerikaner, Co-Founder, Brown's Promise

Meta Information:

  • Tags: school design, social justice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Equity & Justice
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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