SXSW 2024

The Bar's New Top Shelf: Elevation Over Inebriation


From California Sober to Sober Curious, public demand is rising for alcohol substitutes that provide an experience. What’s the legal status of Kanna, Kava, Psilocybin, Kratom, Coca, Damiana, Mescaline, Cannabis, Ketamine, GHB and other compounds? Are they safe? What are the regulatory roadblocks that make it difficult to bring about functional alcohol substitutes? For centuries, humans have safely used natural substances to unwind and socialize, but societal norms and outdated laws make competing with alcohol a challenge. What will it take to create a post-alcohol world?

Additional Supporting Materials

Other Resources / Information


  1. Learn about alternative social intoxicants
  2. Understand the regulatory and other roadblocks to creating functional alcohol substitutes
  3. Hear what can be done to help create a post-alcohol world



Joshua Kappel, J.D., Founding Partner, Vicente LLP

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Psychedelics
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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