SXSW 2024

Can Film Be a Force for Change in Polarizing Times?


We are facing a highly polarized country yet everyday there are examples of unlikely relationships built across deep differences. We offer these stories of hope, courage and perseverance to inspire our civic imagination. This panel engages filmmakers and storytellers who elevate some of these stories in order to counter the increasingly bleak narrative of where we are headed as a nation, asking the question: What if we told stories of cooperation rather than difference?

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  1. Stories of building relationships across deep differences are instrumental to our vision for America’s diverse democracy.
  2. Highlighting stories of hope rather than division can be an important tool in pushing back the rise of hate and deepening polarization.
  3. Developing a radar screen for local stories of building bridges across differences can bring broader social change to our communities.



Jenan Mohajir, Senior Director of Special Projects, Interfaith America

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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