Gaming for Growth: Revolutionizing Teen Future-Readiness


According to YPulse research, 95% of Gen Z regularly play games on their devices. According to ASA research, the majority of high school students/recent graduates say they would have benefited from more career-focused learning in secondary school. There’s a prime opportunity to combine career-readiness education with gamified digital learning (co-designed with teens) to foster self-directed learning and illuminate a wide range of possibilities for the future. Join us for a discussion featuring emerging voices in youth-centric digital gaming!

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  1. Understand the best way to augment school-based solutions to help kids learn about careers and alleviate overburdened education systems.
  2. Learn how innovative digital experiences are helping teens to discover and connect their interests and passions with career possibilities.
  3. Attendees will learn best practices for giving teens agency in developing resources designed to help them navigate this education-to-career journey.



Mike Murphy, B2b Social Media & Strategic Communications Manager, American Student Assistance (ASA)

Meta Information:

  • Tags: gaming, virtual learning
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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