Non-Degree Paths: Confidence, Employability & Fiscal Freedom


ASA & JFF's new groundbreaking research says that young people who pursue non-degree pathways have greater confidence in their future, fare better in the labor market than non-pathway youth, experience less unemployment, are better prepared for work, and have a high degree of satisfaction with their chosen pathway. Learn how non-degree pathways benefit real people and are poised to serve the workforce. Understand what barriers still stand in the way of widespread acceptance. Hear top line findings with an introduction by Julie Lammers, SVP Advocacy & Corporate Social Responsibility, ASA.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. Learn how young adults have achieved postsecondary success through diverse pathways like CTE and apprenticeships.
  2. Learn how schools can increase access to opportunities for students to learn about multiple pathways to success.
  3. Learn about resources designed to inform schools, employers, and parents about the efficacy of non-degree pathways.


  • Joel Vargas, Vice President of the Education Practice, JFF


Ashley Paro, Sr. Marketing Manager, American Student Assistance

Meta Information:

  • Tags: career, credentials
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Work Reimagined
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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