SXSW 2024

Putting the Cool in Climate Tech: Music x Climate x Culture


We don’t look like your average Climate activists, we DON’T wear Patagonia, we DONT wear khakis, we DO wear carbon capture diamonds, we DO wear circular economy hats. Diversity is more than just about race & gender - it is about a different point of view.

Our panel would be about the intersection of music + culture x climate both investing & awareness. We will have an award winning hip-hop producer who cofounded & an entertainer investing in climate to speak on their climate investing & activism experience and how music drives this awareness.

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  1. A goal is for the targeted audience to have a new way of looking at climate change & what it means- more than just teslas & solar panel - its rockstar
  2. The goal is for climate & climate curious investors to think differently about the opportunities in climate (greenwealth) vs the doom & gloom (IPCC)
  3. The goal is creating a climate change conversation has a bit of what I call climate code switching - to speak about it differently given the audience



Taj Eldridge, General Partner/Managing Director, Include Ventures/JFFLabs

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate Change
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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