The Wonder of the School Designed Like a Children’s Museum


Elementary schools and children’s museums aim to inspire children and activate learning, but their approach is different. But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe designing elementary schools to be more like children’s museums can give students and teachers more agency and ensure more joyful and successful experiences for students. Seneca Valley School District dared to follow this path and asked CannonDesign and the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh to collaboratively design its new Ehrman Crest Elementary and Middle School. The result is an entirely new type of school full of wonder and discovery.

Related Media


  1. How to infuse core principles of children’s museum design into learning spaces and entire elementary schools to promote out-of-classroom learning.
  2. How to successfully structure and implement a partnership between a school district, a children’s museum and a design firm.
  3. Design strategies that can unlock joy and better empower students, teachers and staff to customize academic and personal learning journeys.



Andrea Martin, Communications Strategist, CannonDesign

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