Class of 2034 Graduation Party


This immersive session explores a future where student-centered learning is the norm and assessment and accountability systems have been radically redesigned from the ground up with heavy community input. Presented as a graduation party in the year 2034, participants will mingle with actors in a fictitious party. Participants will engage with partygoers and a room set up with artifacts from the future, grounding them in conversation and designed items that bring the future to life.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Participants will consider how assessment and accountability systems will need to change in a future in which student-centered learning is the norm.
  2. Participants will develop insights about the types of data that future assessment and accountability systems might prioritize as learning changes.
  3. Participants will learn about how changes to learning, assessment and credentialing can support equity.


  • Jason Swanson, Senior Director, Strategic Foresight, KnowledgeWorks
  • Maria Crabtree, Director, Strategic Foresight Projects, KnowledgeWorks


Jason Swanson, Senior Director, Strategic Foresight, KnowledgeWorks

Meta Information:

  • Tags: data, standards & assessment
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Performance
  • Track: Policy & Civic Engagement
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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