How Personalized Mentoring Improves Post-Secondary Success


1:1 mentoring starting in 11th grade helps right social inequities and offers valuable resources to empower first gen students on their path to both a diploma and a future career with economic mobility. Learn how iMentor’s Next Gen Leaders program leverages the full potential of 1:1 student to adult relationships to offer individualized real-world, career-connected learning with a caring adult and dedicated in-school college planning and counselors. Hear from mentees how this whole school model matched with strategic partnerships improves post-secondary success rates and access to careers.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Best practices to integrate support into students’ school days so high school is a catalyst to boost post-secondary success and early career pathways.
  2. Solutions to more actively involve employers, employees, and co-workers in programs that support and embrace DEI.
  3. Framework for building outcome driven non-profit and corporate partnerships with real-world impact.


  • Heather Wathington, CEO, iMentor
  • Nina Longino, Executive Director, Chicago, iMentor
  • Nancy Bonges, Director of Community Engagement, William Blair


Greer Bautz, Director, Gray Communciations

Meta Information:

  • Tags: implementation, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Leadership for Tomorrow
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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