Growing BIPOC Student Motivation: What Makes Fertile Soil


Scholars agree that a supportive environment (i.e., fertile soil; Walter & Yeager, 2020) is key to growing student motivation. However, few studies have addressed the impact of contextual and systemic factors on BIPOC student motivation. This presentation will dive into groundbreaking research on the effect of systemic and contextual barriers on BIPOC college student motivation. By recognizing these factors, we can create policies and school environments that cultivate motivation and academic success for all students, ultimately working towards a more equitable educational landscape.

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  1. The presentation will provide an overview of the unique contextual and systemic factors that impact BIPOC college student motivation.
  2. The presentation will address what processes can explain the impact of contextual and systemic factors on BIPOC college student motivation.
  3. The presentation will provide recommendations for educators, practitioners, and policymakers on cultivating student motivation.


  • Angelica Frausto, Research and Evaluation Associate, EduDream


Angelica Frausto, Research And Evaluation Associate, EduDream

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