SXSW 2024

Why Influencers Are All That and a Bag of Chips


Influencers are more than just pretty faces with designer handbags. They have hidden skills businesses should be leveraging. Successful influencers are entrepreneurs, marketers, writers, problem-solvers, community builders, project managers, and more. They are passionate, relatable, tech-savvy, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.
We will discuss the many hats influencers wear and why they make valuable team members and will also explore how accomplished influencer characteristics align with desirable employee characteristics, making influencers advantageous brand partners and employees.

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  1. Influencers are valuable employees because they are multi-talented, creative, and tech-savvy. They can wear many hats and help reach target audience.
  2. Influencers are valuable brand partners since they learn and stay up-to-date on social media best practices, tools, and how to reach target audiences.
  3. In the age of AI, up-to-date and tech-savvy influencers can work together with AI to help businesses create engaging content with a personal touch.


  • Rachel Belkin, Founder / Marketing and Content Consultant, MBSquared, LLC


Rachel Belkin, Founder / Marketing And Content Consultant, MBSquared, LLC

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Short Form
  • Track: Creator Economy
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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