The Invisible Barrier to Economic Mobility
Let’s shatter the myth! While a 4-year degree can signal knowledge in a certain field, more than half the workforce is Skilled Through Alternate Routes (STARs), including through community college, credentialing, work experience, and military service. 60% of Black, 55% of Hispanic, 66% of rural, and 61% of veteran workers are STARs. The paper ceiling is the invisible barrier keeping workers without a bachelor's degree out of higher-paying, family-sustaining jobs. Let's shatter this barrier!
Related Media
Other Resources / Information
- Discover why a college degree is not necessary for many of today's skilled jobs
- Hear firsthand from STARS - 2 of the 4 panel members don't have a 4-year degree and all are successful in their careers
- Learn what can be done to level the playing field -- letting people be hired on their skills -- and increase economic mobility
- Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-in-Chief, WorkingNation
- Bridgette Gray, Chief Customer Officer, Opportunity@Work
- Patti Constantakis, Director, Opportunity,
- Kenny Nguyen, CEO and Co-founder, ThreeSixtyEight
Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-in-Chief, WorkingNation
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