SXSW 2023

Female Founders: Innovating to Save Our Oceans


The ocean, to which we owe our existence, is in dire straits. While more people understand the issues - from rising sea levels, depleted fish stocks to plastics in our oceans - the sector remains underfunded, misunderstood and unable or unwilling to change. A new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs are stepping up to build and scale solutions to address ocean health and meet consumer demand for healthier and more climate-friendly seafood. For the future of our planet, it is imperative to inspire, attract and support a future oceans and seafood workforce that represents all its constituencies and unlocks barriers to innovation. In this session, hear from female leaders that are leading the way.

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  1. The blue economy must be disrupted in light of climate change creating opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship and investment.
  2. A younger, more diverse generation of leaders is needed to innovate and scale solutions for ocean health and sustainable seafood production.
  3. This new generation of innovators needs exposure and education about the ocean, opportunities, mentorship and capital to transform the blue economy.



Tonya Bakritzes, Managing Director, Marketing, S2G Ventures

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate Change
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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