SXSW 2023

How Can We Mainstream Clean Energy?


Climate change is perhaps the single greatest challenge facing society today. Minimizing global warming emissions will require fundamental changes in how we generate electricity, fuel mobility and industry, and power and condition our built environments. For at least the past two decades, an energy transition has unfolded, notably with renewables. Unfortunately, having only wind and solar play a meaningful role in power generation will be insufficient to meet the world’s decarbonization needs. What is required is a step-change in the adoption of clean energy beyond the power sector and across the broader economy. This must occur in a decade. Learn how we can bring clean energy into the mainstream, the technologies that are advancing this goal, and the opportunities for innovation.

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  1. We’re entering a new phase of the global energy transition, shifting from solely power generation to multi-sector adoption of clean energy solutions.
  2. Energy storage will be critical and can create demand shifts toward electrified transportation and green hydrogen production.
  3. Entrepreneurs are innovating and bringing new technologies to market, allowing us to broadly scale clean energy solutions into the mainstream.



Tonya Bakritzes, Managing Director, Marketing, S2G Ventures

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Energy
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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