SXSW 2023

Music as a Vehicle for Scaling Climate Action


Music is loved by millions of people across the world and provides a unique vehicle for inspiring sustainable behavior change at scale. Artists including Billie Eilish, Coldplay, Jack Johson, and many more, are using their platform to spread climate action with fans and partnering with organizations like Reverb to implement sustainability measures at events. Labels like Involved Group (aka Anjunadeep and Anjunabeats) are also leading the charge, using science and technology in partnership with MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative to measure carbon emissions of events and educate music lovers. Through our shared love of music emerges a powerful community working towards collective climate action.

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  1. How are artists and labels spreading sustainability awareness and inspiring climate action
  2. How science and technology are informing sustainability measures at events and beyond
  3. Why creating a community around collective climate action is important and effective


  • Anna Johnson, Sustainability and Environment Officer, Involved Group
  • Michelle Li, Founder, Clever Carbon
  • Tanner Watt, Director of Partnerships, REVERB
  • Norhan Bayomi, Post Doctoral Fellow, MIT


Anna Johnson, Sustainability And Environment Officer, Involved Group

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate Change
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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