Creative Hustle: Imagination + Ambition = Change


“Nine to five is how to survive, I ain't trying to survive, I'm trying to live it to the limit and love it a lot.” In the 25 years since Jay-Z first rapped this line, he has released 14 albums, founded a clothing company, served as president of a record label, and is raising three children. This is creative hustle. There will only be one Jay-Z – and there is only one of you. This workshop will help you recognize + build the mindsets, skills, and networks to design your own creative hustle.

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  1. Learners gain concrete examples of diverse manifestations of imagination and ambition in trailblazing educators, social entrepreneurs, and artists.
  2. Learners gain understanding of the three major components of creative hustle: mindsets, skills, and networks.
  3. Learners feel prepared to bring intentionality to designing their own creative path forward.



sam seidel, Director of K12 Strategy + Research, Stanford

Meta Information:

  • Tags: design thinking, entrepreneurship
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Work Reimagined
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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